Youth: Ages 5 to 12
We understand every child is unique and grows at different rates. We've seen it all, so no matter your concern we've got a plan for it. With over 40 years’ experience of training youth, generations of Seattle’s Eastside-area kids have worked their way through our program, and there is nothing better than seeing them grow firsthand. Not only in the martial arts skills they learn, but also the personal skills they develop and carry for life.
Because martial arts is so much more than just kicking and punching, and getting the next colorful belt. It’s about developing discipline, staying active, avoiding dangerous situations, teaching confidence, and creating a community. With every class we teach, your kids are growing in mind, body and character. And of course, it’s great exercise and a ton of FUN!
So please have a look below to find out exactly how your kids can benefit from our fun martial arts classes. Here are five reasons why to sign up for our youth martial arts program.
Teaches Discipline. We teach discipline through positive reinforcement, modeling, and discussions about appropriate behavior. Discipline allows you to achieve goals by weeding out the distractions in your life through self-control. Discipline makes for more intelligent, emotionally stable, and motivated students. Research shows that people who are highly self-disciplined may be able to better focus on long-term goals and make better choices when faced with adversity.
Keeps Kids Active. There is no doubt that martial arts is great exercise and the process of training in martial arts is more exciting and fun for kids because it is fast-paced and each class is different. Our workouts develop strength, quickness, balance, flexibility, and stamina.
Helps Avoid Dangerous Situations. Martial arts teaches kids is how to be more aware of their surroundings and what to do to protect yourself. We also focus on how to avoid dangerous situations through de-escalation, making eye-contact and identifying potential threats. Training for these situations and having a plan can go a long way in staying safe.
Teaches Confidence. Martial arts is built on the concept of setting children up for success by giving them a series of realistic, short term goals that they can attain while keeping them focused on an exciting, long term goal of Black Belt. With each success, their confidence improves until they believe that, with hard work and dedication, they can accomplish just about anything.
Creates a Community. Martial arts also creates a wonderful community. Students often say True Martial Arts is like a second home and the people here are like family. We’d love for you to become a part of our community that is driven to helping your child succeed.
We offer both Once-a-Week and Twice-a-Week classes.